Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pligg site rating is going down

As some of you may have noticed, Pligg is going through some changes. Recently, the administration has decided to open up for bidding. You can read more at the following links Mashable & Tech Crunch

Let me elaborate on what this means. In the last year and a half Pligg has grown well beyond our expectations and it is getting difficult for the developers to manage the business side of Pligg on a daily basis without slowing down development. Which consists mainly of advertising, support, and community management. We’ve seen many online businesses develop products to support Pligg recently. Selling everything from custom templates and modules, to support and installation. This should be a clear example of the popularity of Pligg. We believe by allowing more seasoned professionals take over the day to day management of Pligg, it will allow Pligg to flourish into realm’s that we never thought possible.

So what does this mean to you, the “Pligger”? Right now, not much, as we’ve just open the channels up for negotiation. Any transfer of Pligg ownership could take months. We believe this will bring a vast improvements the the Pligg community and allow the developers to continue working on the project uninterrupted.

As of right now nothing has changed. Keep up your Pligging and we will update you with any information we get.

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